Bournville Ancillary Buildings
MCL were awarded the contract to restore two statutory listed ancillary buildings on the Cadbury site in Bournville. Both the Cricket Score Box and Hayloft were fully restored internally and externally over a period of three months.
During works to the Cricket Score Box, the asbestos roof coverings (a later replacement of the original thatch) were removed and the building re-roofed in welsh slate. Structural stabilisation works were undertaken to the frame, roof structure, floor and concrete ring beam of the building. It’s decorative pitch pine cladding, windows and doors were carefully splice repaired to retain as much of the original building fabric as possible.
Following these necessary repair works, the whole building was redecorated in Bournville estate colours and brand new score card boxes installed. The building was also given a mains electric supply for the very first time, and its original sink restored and re-plumbed. The Score Box is now fully functional and will be in full use when the cricket season begins again.
Significant restoration and refurbishment works were also undertaken to the 18th century Hayloft. This two storey brick building and the adjoining kitchen garden are the last remaining above ground structures of the Bournbrook Hall Estate which was demolished in the early 20th century.
The building was re-roofed in new and reclaimed handmade plain tiles and the degraded copper roof and apron to the cupola stripped and replaced in sand-cast lead. Structural repairs were carried out to help combat movement in the external walls of the building, and individual bricks cut out and replaced where required. All the windows were fully refurbished, re-glazed and redecorated. Internally, works were undertaken to renew areas of lime plaster and the walls were lime-washed. The repair works were undertaken with great care with materials carefully chosen and applied to replicate the original construction method.